aussieBum, Shearing the Rams, and Slim Dusty
On our last visit to Australia (in “Bruce Bruce Bruce” on the 27th), we started out in Aussie underwear (the Daily Jocks AUS line), moved through Monty Python and Bruce as a stereotypically Aussie...
View ArticleCruise Jogger
… the item of PUMP! underwear featured in this sale ad from Daily Jocks yesterday. With my caption: (#1) Cruising in his Jogger, Joe Enjoyed feeling himself up in those Hot pockets, which Drove the...
View ArticleA visit with Colby Keller
(Though there’s a substantial amount in this posting on art, books, and fashion, there’s also quite a lot about men’s bodies and man-man sex, in very plain language, so it’s not for kids or the...
View ArticleNotes on male ballet dancers
Two recent items passed on to me by Mike McKinley: one a photograph of young male dancers at the barre, the other a video compilation of dancer Joseph Gatti in an assortment of his roles. The...
View ArticleMardi Bras (and Boxers)
Today is Lunar New Year — and tomorrow is the religious holiday Shrove Tuesday, widely known in the U.S. (not just in New Orleans) as Mardi Gras ‘fat Tuesday’ (for the consumption of rich and fatty...
View ArticleUnderwear Sex
(The usual warning: not for kids or the sexually modest) Two recent ads from Daily Jocks, both with double entendres (for Teamm8, in the header for the ad; for C-IN2, in the body of the ad), which I...
View ArticleMandrake
Today’s Daily Jocks ad, for an offer featuring BCNÜ underwear (in this case an Atletico Sports Brief), showing the model alluringly posed on sheepskin: (#1) The same model, in a similar but darker...
View ArticleBen, advertising
(Some explicit talk about man-man sex, so not for kids or the sexually modest.) Today’s Daily Jocks ad, announcing in a shriek that CURBWEAR IS BACK!, with a shot of model Ben advertising one of his...
View ArticleThe fearful exhibitionist
(Not about language. No direct discussion of sexual acts either.) The most recent Daily Jocks ad, showing a model wearing a Supawear jock in the Supacharge line, with Lightning theme (there’s also a...
View ArticleA family thing
Today’s Daily Jocks ad (for Marcuse swimwear, showing a model in the very low-rise line of swim briefs Jagger, in the color Ivory), and another model in the same swim briefs, plus a caption: (#1) (#2)...
View ArticleFour mythic hunks
(Almost no language stuff: it’s about mythic, in one sense, performances by hunky men. Yes, I have my shallow moments.) The appearance on my cable tv menu of the playing of the 2012 Wrath of the Titans...
View ArticleTinging the scalene triangle
From Daily Jocks on the 2nd, a set of three images for 2eros underwear, with this ad copy (untouched here): X MARKS THE SPOT Australian luxury brand 2eros have released The X-Series, a new active...
View ArticleSpinoff: PigSkin underwear
In my Trent Atkins posting yesterday, photo #3 had the man in briefs apparently labeled Pigskin, which I took to be an invention of the Michael Lucas studios, expressly for a film in which a number of...
View ArticleSex in the shadows
(There will be stuff about music and some incidental stuff on translation, but there’s also crude mansex in very plain language, so this is certainly not for kids or the sexually modest.) The latest...
View ArticleMale beauty
A follow-up to my 2/18/16 posting “Ben, advertising” about Curbwear model Ben (with four photos on him in briefs), a man I was much taken with, and it now turns out that he has quite a following, among...
View ArticleBoxer in shorts
Yesterday’s Daily Jocks ad, introducing Lukas for Helsinki Athletica: Lukas had a solid career doing Gay porn in the Czech Republic — his Muscular body, dark good looks, Dominating presence, and high...
View ArticleFruit loops
My posting on breakfast cereals for kids and the way they are marketed focused on Kellogg’s Froot Loops, an extraordinarily sweet cereal in the shape of small rings (or loops), whose rhyming name was...
View ArticleSocial meanings of clothes
On the heels of my posting on the “Ivy League shirt” and its complex associations with class, status, masculinity, and sexuality, I finally got to a thought-provoking piece by Troy Patterson in last...
View ArticleBoxing
A Daily Jocks ad (for their underwear club, but featuring Pump! wear) from the 14th, with the man we know as Lukas (sometimes as Joe) in the Pump! Cruise Boxer (with pockets), in Pump!’s home town of...
View ArticleSmooth operator
From Daily Jocks yesterday (with my caption): (#1) Joey Jockstrap was a cheap con man who Preyed on gullible gay men, luring them through his Intriguing slicked-back retro look and his Intense, urgent...
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